Jan 10, 2014

8 HOUSE : KIEM announcement

announced at image expo the upcoming 8 HOUSE scifi/fantasy comics project which includes the series 8 HOUSE : KIEM from image comics, by brandon graham and myself.

tons of great artists involved in this amazing idea by brandon; people like emma rios, marian churchland, hwei lim and many more to be announced. keep an eye out!!

here's the news article


anunciado en el image expo el proyecto de ciencia-ficción/fantástica 8 HOUSE de image comics, el cual incluye la serie 8 HOUSE : KIEM por brandon graham y yo.

montones de tremendos autores implicados en esta increíble idea de brandon; gente como emma riosmarian churchlandhwei lim y muchos otros aun por comunicar. atentos a próximos anuncios!

aqui el articulo


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tu trabajo es impresionante