Jun 22, 2007



listening to the allways entertaining BullpenBulletinsPodcast (very recomended!)
they're discussing once again the ultimate man-thing ...
so i drew this one...

there's a lot of line work on this one ...
...so you may wanna see it larger (so click on da' pic)

Jun 17, 2007


here's an unused illustration of the mazscara character created by gary t. becks

and here's some loose sketches for the madman/mazscara illustration i did for war of the independents

i'm excited for the war of the independents!

Jun 16, 2007


lot of lines on this one you may see it better larger
(so clicky click on the picky pic!)

Jun 15, 2007


mike allred's madman and Gary T. Becks's Mazscara illustrations done for the war of the independents

War of the Independents is a 6 issue mega-crossover mini-series that will be launching in July 2008.
published by Arcana http://www.arcanastudio.com/


Jun 7, 2007


following a drawingboard character jam about the 30th anniversary and the anxious requests from d-t i did all this drawings of the main man

the prequel gets its bad ass

ralph mcquarrie style

and the movie classic

and at last the ewok version